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Royale Pure Organic Barley



Tired of feeling sluggish, weighed down, and out of balance? Unlock vibrant health and boundless energy with the alkalinizing power of ROYALE PURE ORGANIC BARLEY. This organic barley powder supplement is nature’s answer to our modern acidic diets and lifestyles.

  • The Hidden Danger of Acidic Environments
    Did you know that the typical Western diet full of meat, dairy, processed foods, and sugars creates an acidic internal environment? Over time, this acidic state can wreak havoc, disrupting nutrient absorption, compromising immunity, sapping energy levels, and even contributing to bone loss. Your body is forced to pull alkaline minerals from your bones and organs to neutralize the acid overload – a recipe for long-term health issues.
  • Your Alkaline Life Force
    Royale Pure Organic Barley is a pure, potent, alkaline-forming superfood derived from young barley grass. Just a small serving is bursting with an alkalizing combination of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, proteins, enzymes, and phytonutrients that instantly go to work restoring your body’s ideal alkaline state.  It lowers your risk of problems ranging from decreased skin elasticity to breast and colon cancer.
  • With Royale Pure Organic Barley, you can expect:
    • Increased energy and vitality
  • • Better nutrient absorption
  • • Stronger immune function
  • • Reduced inflammation
  • • Metabolic balance
  • • Optimized bone health
Weight .2 kg


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